Mobile App Release Notes

Changelog for the Wattwatchers' mobile app MyEnergy

V 2.1.0

  • If MyEnergy is monitoring an electric hot water circuit for you, it will now automatically detect potential leaks or issues with heating elements. Alerts appear in the Flow feed. You can also opt in to receive a push notification when we detect a potential issue.
  • Cards on the Flow screen can now be deleted. Swipe left on a card to delete it.
  • You can now access detailed device communication information by tapping the gear icon on the device screen. (Go to More -> Manage sites & devices -> Select site -> Select device to access the device screen) 
  • Other bug fixes and minor improvements.

V 2.0.0

  • Stay up-to-date with energy insights, alerts, tips and more on the new Flow screen. Features from the old Save and Notifications tabs are now part of the Flow screen, together with new insights and content. And there’s (much) more to come!
  • The electricity plan comparison feature has been improved and now includes all retailers and plans available to you.
  • Other bug fixes and minor improvements.

V 1.9.0


  • Relative time filters (today, yesterday, etc.) in the history charts now correctly roll over when accessing the app over multiple days.
  • Historical charts in the app and sparkline graphs in the widgets now correctly display any data outages as gaps.
  • Time filters in historical charts now behave correctly across daylight savings boundaries.
  • Other bug fixes and minor improvements.


  • Relative time filters (today, yesterday, etc.) in the history charts now correctly roll over when accessing the app over multiple days.
  • Historical charts now correctly display any data outages as gaps.
  • Time filters in historical charts now behave correctly across daylight savings boundaries.
  • Other bug fixes and minor improvements.

V 1.8.0

  • You can now configure how you want to receive budget, blog, offer and insights notifications: in-app only, in-app plus a push notification, or not at all.
  • The new My Account screen now consolidates all account related functionality. It’s where you can change your password, sign out or delete your account.
  • Other bug fixes and minor improvements.

V 1.7.1


  • The app is now also available on Apple Silicon based Macs. Stay on top of your energy from behind your computer. The app widgets can be added to the Notification Center.
  • Bug fixes and some big upgrades under the hood


  • This release contains bug fixes and some big upgrades under the hood

V 1.6.0

  • The new Notifications tab allows you to view budget and other alerts in one place
  • Other bug fixes and minor improvements

V 1.5.1

  • This release contains a fix related to the self registration feature when using the “back” button

V 1.5.0

  • You can now edit your site details
  • You can now add a new site to your account
  • You can now initiate a password reset if you have forgotten your password
  • Other bug fixes and minor improvements

V 1.4.1

  • This release contains fixes related to the budget screen, switch functionality, and the support form.

V 1.4.0


  • You can now keep track of your budget at a glance with the new budget widgets
  • Improvements to budget configuration and visualisation
  • Improvements to self registration
  • Streamlined layout of the the Live Home screen
  • Other bug fixes and minor improvements


  • Improvements to budget configuration and visualisation
  • Improvements to self registration
  • Streamlined layout of the the Live Home screen
  • Other bug fixes and minor improvements

V 1.3.0

  • You can now set a budget target in dollars and see how you track against it
  • Enable push notifications to be alerted when you go over 50%, 80% or 100% of your daily, weekly or monthly budget target
  • You can now get quick access to your available switches from the Live Home screen
  • Real time data on the Live Home screen is now updated every 5 seconds
  • You can now configure the timezone for your site, so all charts display correctly for your timezone
  • You can now reach out to our support team directly from within the app
  • Other bug fixes and minor improvements

V 1.2.0

  • New users can now self-register using their device serial number
  • You can now email your bill to be processed for the savings comparison, in addition to uploading it directly from your device
  • The Solar History chart now shows total generation along with the exports + used on site breakdown
  • Usage History charts now show the individual circuits, not just the summary categories
  • Fixes related to the electricity plan comparison feature
  • Other bug fixes and minor improvements