Do Wattwatchers devices support inputs from other devices?

Wattwatchers devices support Current Transformers, Rogowski Coils and a limited number of Modbus devices only.

The Auditor generally supports current inputs from either Current Transformers or Rogowski Coils. We have Auditor 6M+One with a Modbus (RTU via RS485) interface, however, this only supports our external meter for billing applications such as Solar PPAs. 

The Modbus RTU interface used to support the 6M+One products can also be adapted for custom applications. Additional up-front development and ongoing subscription charges apply for such customised development. If you are interested in learning more, please contact the Wattwatchers Sales Team so we can discuss your requirements.

Other inputs such as Pulse Inputs from external meters or other remote terminal devices (RTDs) are not currently supported.

That being said, our robust API service allows the electricity energy data from the Auditor to seamlessly integrate with a building management system or control system of your choice.